Ensuring Extracurriculars Fund

The Ensuring Extracurriculars Fund provides financial assistance to students who are at-risk or from low-income households. The goal is to promote equity in district-sponsored extracurriculars that they would otherwise be unable to afford.

Funding helps cover costs such as:

  • Equipment and uniforms
  • Tuition or transportation
  • Visual arts experiences
  • Instrument rental
  • Speech program fees

Apply for

Ensuring Extracurriculars Funds

Activity directors, principals, and counselors can apply for funding at any time to make extracurricular activities financially more accessible for students. The request process is done on behalf of students and remains confidential.

This can be done through the activity forms provided to students/parents, or through the application form.

Your Impact

See Our Funds in Action

Metro High School Robotics

Participation in extracurriculars leads to greater success. But for many families, the cost associated with these activities isn’t always in the budget. That’s where the Ensuring Extracurriculars Fund comes in. At Metro, the Fund helped students explore the world of engineering through robotics. Now they can learn, present, and compete alongside other students.

“Without the gracious support of this program, many of Metro’s innovative and far-reaching extracurricular programs would not be possible. The foundation’s support ensures that all students in our building, regardless of socio economics, have access to programs like Outdoor Education, Theater, Chess, Guitar, and Robotics.”