Professional Excellence Grants

The Foundation provides funding for teachers, as well as other administrative CRCSD staff, to receive financial assistance for professional development. Funds may be applied to conference registrations, para-professional degree completion, certifications, graduate degree work, summer workshops, or for the purchase of materials for innovative curricular projects. Staff must contractually commit to the CRCSD for at least one year following the completion of the professional development coursework.

Apply for

Professional Excellence Grants

Applications are evaluated on the following criteria:

Articulation of purpose

Relationship to student learning goals

Description of impact on students and student learning

Overall impression and clarity of application

Your Impact

See Our Funds in Action

Professional Therapy Dog Training

District staff have been trained to utilize the skills of a professional therapy dog. These specially trained dogs and handlers help create create a positive learning environment for students by offering emotional comfort, reducing stress, and promoting a sense of security during test taking, reading, or other academic studies.

“Through the Foundation’s support, I’ve been able to augment my professional development. This has allowed me to continue fostering strong student/teacher relationships with the youth at Harding.”