Choose your school below to see a list of all available scholarships.
Daniel J. Vanorny Memorial Scholarship
In honor of Daniel Vanorny’s support for Jefferson High School students and love of being a fine arts parent. Student awardees must have financial need, currently participating in at least one fine arts program, and have a 3.0 GPA or higher.
Dennis & Grace Ferreter Scholarship
For a Jefferson student who attended Van Buren Elementary (for some period of time, does not have to be all 6 years) and will attend an Iowa Regents institution or an Iowa accredited community college and/ or vocational institution (no private college). Student must have significant financial need as well as having put forth strong academic effort, be of high character, and a good school citizen.
Don Stout Memorial Scholarship
To be given to a Metro High School student who will attend Kirkwood Community College, preferably to study a STEM career field, but not required.
Dorothy Peterson Scholarship
In honor of long-time Jefferson math department chair, the Dorothy Peterson scholarships recognize outstanding, talented math students.
Dr. Francis McMann Memorial Scholarship
Given in Dr. McMann’s memory to a student pursuing post-secondary education in economics or history.
Earle W. Dickinson Scholarship
In honor of longtime band director, Earle Dickinson, for a 4-year band member who plans to continue playing their instrument in college. Student must submit a letter of recommendation to the JHS Director of Bands for consideration (not a family member nor current JHS band director).
Evelyn & Willis Daugherty Memorial Vocal Music Scholarship
Scholarship granted on the basis of outstanding achievement in the field of vocal music at Washington determined by the Vocal Music director and approval of the Principal.
Friends of the City-Wide PTA Scholarship
For an average student (GPA 2.5 to 3.5) planning to attend a post-secondary institution of any kind.
George Novak Memorial Scholarship
For a Kennedy High School graduate who has made outstanding personal growth. Determined by counseling staff.
Gilbert J. Maas Memorial German Scholarship
To be awarded to an outstanding Washington High School student who has taken German as a world language.
Gordon Wilhelm Memorial Scholarship
In honor of all the teachers who have taught at Jefferson High School, the student recipient must exhibit leadership qualities and the potential to succeed.
Henderson Memorial Scholarship
For a student(s) chosen by a Washington High School faculty committee based on their established criteria.