Choose your school below to see a list of all available scholarships.
NextGrad Scholarship
For one student at JHS, KHS, and WHS who has financial need to achieve any type of post secondary education. Determined by counseling staff.
Olson Basketball Scholarship
Given to a Jefferson High School student who played basketball at least two years and plans to attend a post-secondary collegiate institution. Minimum 2.5 GPA. Preference given to a student with financial need. Determined by counseling staff.
Orville Rust Memorial Scholarship
Awarded by the WHS coaching staff and administration, the scholarships will be given to an outstanding male and female athlete who meets the eligibility requirements set forth in the scholarship agreement document on file with the WHS Activities Director.
Otto F. Wiedersberg, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
To be awarded to an outstanding business education student planning to enroll at a community college or technical school.
Patricia Hobson Memorial Scholarship
A female leader at Jefferson who has had hardship in her life, but still pushes through and works hard. Someone who lifts others up and has a strong work ethic. Optional/Ideal: A first-time family college attendee and/ or has an interest in finance/banking industry.
Paul Anthony Memorial Music Scholarship
Established in 1967, this scholarship is in memory of Paul Anthony, long time music teacher at McKinley and Washington. Student winner is chosen by audition process. Notification to Foundation by District Music Facilitator.
Peter Westphalen Choral Music Scholarship
Established to honor Peter Westphalen, WHS Class of 1986 and Washington vocal music director (2011-2024) upon his retirement. Chosen by WHS Choir Directors for a student who intends to continue music participation in college.
Polaski Family Scholarship
To recognize a Jefferson High School student that has shown dedication and commitment to their teams, coaches, and directors, who lead by example, and who go above and beyond to give of their time in areas of that required or expected. Student must participate in show choir and another winter activity.
Rich & Connie Ripley Scholarship
For a Jefferson High School graduate of color with financial need in order to continue their post-secondary education (university, college, trades, etc.)
Richard & Jeanne Sentman Scholarship
Two scholarships will be given annually – one to a male and one to a female Washington High School graduate. Each student must have attended Arthur Elementary School for at least 4-years.
Robert & Alo Geuder Memorial Scholarship
For a Jefferson male or female student planning to pursue a career in education or professional theatre which could include radio, television, or film. Student must have been active in speech and/ or drama for a minimum of two years and be a member of JHS Thespian Troupe 561.
Robert C. & Ruth L. Arnold Memorial Scholarship
In memory of Robert C. Arnold, long-time elementary teacher and principal at Lincoln, Monroe, and Madison elementary schools for a JHS graduate who will attend Kirkwood Community College. Student must have demonstrated a caring spirit for others, as well as being involved in community activities. Student must have significant financial need.