Senior Scholarships

Choose your school below to see a list of all available scholarships.

Terry Durham-CR Noon Lions Club Scholarship

Senior actively involved in community service throughout their high school years who will be continuing in any kind of post-secondary education.

Terry Kemme Scholarship

An award for a Metro IEP student who will pursue further education in a trade program, vocational institution, or college. Recipient to be determined by staff.

Thomas R. White Memorial Scholarship

Given to a minority student under the age of 19 who has a 2.5 GPA or better. Graduate must have noted financial need with plans to enroll in an accredited college or university.

Tom & Carol Ryder Memorial Cougar Student Scholarship

In recognition of a Kennedy High School student who participated in extracurricular activities while maintaining high academic standards. Recipient must participate and provide leadership in one of the following activities: wrestling, volleyball, cheerleading, drama and/or music. Leadership can be exhibited by being an officer or captain in the activity, managing a fundraiser or other event or in some other role. A GPA of 3.5 or greater is desired, but secondary to a well-balanced educational curriculum. Student must plan to attend a 4-year college with the intention of continuing to participate in the above activities similar to those for which the scholarship is awarded.

Tom Campbell Memorial Scholarship

Endowed in memory of Thomas Campbell, a long-time teacher at Jefferson, for a J-Hawk personally selected by Jefferson counseling staff.

Walter & Ida Kansky Charitable Fund Scholarship

Award to one student from each of the CRCSD high schools who will pursue further education in a trade program, vocational institution, or college. Financial need preferred. Recipient to be determined by individual high school staff.

Walter D. Hartman Scholarship

In recognition of the contributions made by Walter Hartman during his 34-years of service to Cedar Rapids Community School District. It is given to graduating seniors from Jefferson High School with the intent of majoring in education. Students must exhibit a strong work ethic, leadership skills, good character and positive values during high school.

WHS Class of 2024 Scholarship

Created by the Class of 2024 to recognize two seniors who have: held one or more leadership positions while at Washington, have plans for post-secondary education, and a GPA 3.0+

William & Donna Frese Scholarship

Awarded by the WHS coaching staff and coaches, the scholarships will be given to an outstanding male and female basketball athlete who meets the eligibility requirements set forth in the scholarship agreement document on file with the WHS Activities Director.